In Odisha, eastern India, people affected by leprosy are living in unimaginable conditions.
Families live in crumbling shacks with broken asbestos roofs. There’s no protection from wild animals or torrential monsoon rains. And with no toilets, people have to go in nearby fields.
Through your gift, you will help build sturdy homes and proper toilets for people affected by leprosy. You will give them the safe haven and dignity they deserve.
Thank you for making a difference today.
In Odisha, eastern India, families affected by leprosy are living in unimaginable conditions.
Your gift today will help build sturdy homes and proper toilets, and give people the dignity they deserve. Thank you.
Your gift of £27 helps provide materials for safe housing, toilets, and comunity wells for clean, safe, water.
Your gift of £83 makes building homes, toilets, and providing clean water possible, bringing a family one step closer to a secure home and toilet.
Your amazing gift of £250 is part of a collective effort — when 10 people give, a family receives a complete home and toilet, offering them safety and dignity.
What gift can you give?