You can restore mobility, education, and joy for people affected by leprosy in Bangladesh | The Leprosy Mission

Leprosy was stealing Arjan’s mobility, education, and joy. At Nilphamari Hospital, he got the reconstructive surgery he needed to change the story.

But there are many more people like Arjan across Bangladesh waiting for the same opportunity.

Today, you can stand with the dedicated surgeons and physiotherapists at Nilphamari as they restore mobility, possibilities, and hope.

You can give more people like Arjan a happy ending.

Thank you for your support!


You can restore mobility, education, and joy

Many people affected by leprosy in Bangladesh will have to rely on reconstructive surgery to regain mobility.

You can help by supporting Nilphamari’s surgeons and physiotherapists to restore mobility, possibilities, and hope. 

I would like to make a:

Gift in memory

The following amount:

A gift of £18.50 can provide a medical kit for a doctor or surgeon that will be used in reconstructive surgery.

Your gift of £92 can help provide physiotherapy for a person affected by leprosy for 1 week.

Your precious gift of £125 will provide life-changing reconstructive therapy to people like Arjan.

Your wonderful gift will help to provide mobility to people like Arjan in Bangladesh who need reconstructive surgery and physiotherapy.

What will you give today? 

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