Order your Big Harvest Quiz resources | The Leprosy Mission
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Hold a Big Quiz

A Leprosy Mission Big Harvest Quiz is a wonderful opportunity to come together for a good cause and have fun at the same time. The money you raise will help provide a fresh start and a secure future to families affected by leprosy in Sri Lanka, by equipping them with all they need to grow plenty of nutritious food that can also help them earn a living.

In recent years, the country has faced the worst economic crisis in its history. Families are struggling with soaring prices and shortages of essential goods. Many households don't have enough food - and life is even harder for people affected by leprosy.

Your support will mean they can make a fresh start and look towards a future where they can thrive.

Step One: Download your free resources

Fill in the form on the right and we'll send you a free resource pack, including instructions, poster and social media templates, a Powerpoint containing all the questions, answers and answer sheets. We'll also send you a film about our work in Sri Lanka that you may wish to show during the break in the middle of the quiz or at the end.

Step Two: Choose your venue and date

You may wish to combine your quiz with the opportunity to share a meal together – but if not, simple refreshments are always popular too. Make sure you get enough people involved to help out with setting up and running the quiz!

Step Three: Let everyone know what's happening

You can use the templates provided to create social media posts, put posters up on local noticeboards, or promote the quiz in your church newsletter or email. Encourage people to get a team together and come up with a team name!

Step Four: Get people involved

When the day arrives, welcome your teams, have fun and make sure you tell people that their participation will make a difference in the lives of people affected by leprosy. You can ask teams for a voluntary donation or take up a collection on the day. Please get in touch with us if you would like to order some donation envelopes to help with this.

Your details

We would like to use the information provided above to keep you updated about our work. You can always change how you hear from us at any time by calling our Supporter Relations team on 01733 370505 or by emailing [email protected].