When Aloka found out she had leprosy, she was filled with fear. How could she provide for her family? Would they lose their home? There are so many people like Aloka working in the tea gardens of Bangladesh carrying these same fears. They worry that they will lose everything.
If a Leprosy Mission health worker hadn’t knocked on Aloka’s door, she would not have been cured. Her hands could have become so disabled that she would no longer be able to pick tea leaves, and she would have lost her job. She and her family would have lost their home and their community.
Will you act now for the countless others like Aloka? We believe that every person deserves life in all its fullness. We won’t stop until, together, we see flourishing health, flourishing communities, and flourishing lives. With your help, we will train healthcare workers to diagnose and cure leprosy, prevent disability, protect livelihoods, and stop the spread of this disease.
Together, we can create a future where leprosy has no hold over families and communities. A future where people will truly flourish.