Help a young person like Nagajothi achieve their true potential | The Leprosy Mission
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Help a young person affected by leprosy achieve their true potential 

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Nagajothi saw the first signs of leprosy when she was 14 years old. The stigma surrounding the disease means that even today, discrimination is common. Young people can be shunned from education and businesses often don't want to employ someone from a family affected by leprosy. Nagajothi's community had rejected her, but everything changed for her when, thanks to the support of people like you, she got the chance to study at a Leprosy Mission Vocational Training Centre. She is now studying to be an electrician!

Young people like Nagajothi have the potential to soar and with the right support. But there are so many more young people like her who are waiting for someone to give them a chance. Today, will you be that person? Your gift will provide training for a young person affected by leprosy that will give them job opportunities, security and the chance to plan for the future.

It costs £32 to provide three months of tailoring training for someone like Vinothini

£64 will pay for six months of tailoring training to help a ypung person on their way to a bright future

A gift of £154 will pay to train a young person to become a mechanic